Wednesday 22 October 2014


Life, According

Don't be scared, don't be frightened, they all say, they all say.
Don't be scared, as if I can help it anyway, anyway.
You have no reason to be worried. Who needs a reason?
You have your whole life ahead of you they say. But I don't know how to use it. Does anyone know? Oh, does anyone know?

I have a song in my heart. Can someone sing it? Can someone sing it for me.
I have a skip in my step. Who do I see about that? Who do I see about that?
You have no reason to be lonely. Who needs a reason?
You have a brain in that head of yours they say, don't ya? But it's no good for speaking.

Life, according to me, changes constantly, despite the constant venue.
Life, according to them, seems to go quite well, I wonder why I'm different, I wonder if if we all are, I wonder who I am.

Speak up, be heard, don't be silent,they all say, they all say.
Speak up, be heard, what do you want to be hearing anyway, anyway.
There is a reason, that I don't know what to do. What is that reason?
You have your whole life ahead of you they say, but that's what scares me. Does it scare anyone else? Oh, does it scare anyone else?

There is hope, I'm not complete yet, that I won't stay this way, I won't stay this way.
Will I ever know who I could have been, if things went differently? If things went differently then?
There is a reason, that we all do what we do, go find your reason. You have a brain in that head of yours they say, don't ya? But it's too busy overthinking.

Life, according to me, changes constantly, despite the constant venue.
Life, according to them, seems to go quite well, I wonder why I'm different, I wonder if we all are, I wonder who I am. I wonder who we all are, behind these walls we all have, does anyone know? Oh, does anyone know?



Who am I? It's a question we all ask ourselves at some point. We want to know who we are, what makes us unique, if we're a good person or not, and so on. It's understandable, we only ever get to be one person, so of course we want to know ourselves as completely as possible. But the thing is, I don't think we ever will.

When I was eleven, I fell in love with the Twilight books. I thought they we're genius and that Bella was someone to look up to. Now I'm older I have realised that the Twilight books are not all I thought they were and Bella is a terrible role model for young girls. The books romanticize codependent relationships and stalker behaviour while making young girls think it's okay date someone with an undeniable desire to hurt them. I grew up and I changed my mind. People do that all the time, they get a different perspective on something, or are given new information or simply just wake up one day with a different opinion and they change their minds. 

They also find new things that might have an impact on their lives. It could be that they make a new friend or find a new favourite place or try a new food and suddenly they're a little different to how they were before.

My point is that we are constantly changing. And how can you know who you are when you change a little very day? The answer is that you can't. You can't know exactly who you are. And even if you could, how could you tell the difference between what is really you, and what you have become because exterior circumstances have impacted you? I don't think 'Who am I?' is a question any of us will ever really know the answer to and so I implore you to ask yourself something different instead. Instead of asking yourself who you are, ask yourself what makes you happy, or how can you help, or who do you want to be.


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