Sunday, 23 March 2014


You're running through a forest. You are in a dream. Something is chasing you. No matter how fast you run, or which direction you go, it's always there, always behind you, just out of sight. You don't know what it is but you can sense it's something sinister. You cannot see an end to the forest, just an endless maze of green tress. You have been running for what feels like forever. Your legs are aching, your lungs are burning, your vision begins to blur. What do you do?

Think about it...

You stop. You turn around. You wait for it to catch you, looking straight ahead as you see it emerge from behind the trees. Your gaze does not waver. You stand your ground. This is a dream, nothing hurt you. You stop letting the fear take control. You stop letting it make you run and run and run, all the while feeling so very afraid. You turn around and face your fears. This is a dream, nothing can hurt you.

Everyone feels it. Whether it's a creeping, gnawing feeling deep inside of you or an overwhelming, breathtaking thing that paralyses you in the face of great danger. Either way it isn't pleasant, and the thing about fear is that sometimes, fear of something can be worse than the thing itself. Sometimes you can be dreading something so much that you put it off and put it off by any means necessary until you've put yourself in a position that is much worse than how you had been at the start.
And it's not just that. Fear holds you back. It stops you from taking risks, makes you miss out on once in a life time chances. Fear has the power to make a person small, make them lock themselves away from the world because they're too afraid to face it, until one day they realise that there is nothing left that doesn't scare them. 
I, personally am afraid of almost everything. I over-think things, concentrate on all of the worse case scenarios, and let fear of failing, or fear of embarrassment, or fear screwing myself over by making a mistake stop me from really living life. I would advise that you don't do this, you should take chances, step out of your comfort zone, stop letting fear paralyse you; just turn around and face it. That's what I'm trying to do. I was afraid to start this blog: what if no one reads it? What if people do read it but hate what I have to say? What if they make fun of me? But here I am giving it a try. 
"Out of fear of falling, we just stay on the ground."  Dare to fly. Try defying gravity. That's what I'm doing, wish me luck.
 - T.L.Wizards. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow. This post has REALLY captivated me. Your fear of blogging? No need, my friend. Not only did this post completely sum up me, especially when it came to my want to blog but fear of it just over a year ago, but you summed up the reason why I did decide to finally blog: I took a chance; I dared to fly. Fear is rubbish, and you're right: The fear of the thing can be so much worse than the ominous event or happening we're fearing.

    I wish you so much luck with your blog and I'm excited to see what happens next considering you have me hypnotised with this post!

