Friday, 4 July 2014


You are ordinary. You like the same things as so many other people, and you wear the same colours and eat the same foods and visit the same places as everyone else. 

You are extraordinary. There is no one in the world that's quite like you, no one who likes the same combination of all the things you like in the way that you like them and no one who wears that exact shade of purple that is a combination of dye and bleach and years and no one who eats that weird, home-made combination of foods and no one who sees the world like you do.

You will never achieve the impossible. You will never save the world. You will never see the stars before they die or run faster than anyone or be the most important person.

But you will love. You will find someone, or maybe you already have someone, a lover, a friend, a sibling, a parental figure, someone who you would die for and who would die for you. It will never come to that but that doesn't matter. You will love in your own unique way and you will be loved back so much it sometimes hurts them and sometimes saves them.
And you will laugh. You will laugh so loud that the people around you will give you funny looks. And you won't care, you'll be too overwhelmed with laughter and humour and happiness and bliss.
And you will sing. And no one will sing from the same heart you sing from. Or you will dance. And no one will dance with the same unique passion that you do. Or you will run. And no one will move quite the same way that you do. You will think your own thoughts and tell your own jokes and love what you love and hate what you hate and no one will do all those things the same as you. You will be. And no one will ever be the same as you.

The dreams you have for the future might be shared by thousands but they are just the result, not just of who you are but how you were raised and what you have seen and the time you are in and the truths and lies you have been told. But the dreams you have at night, that is you, your subconscious, who you are and why you are that way. And no one will ever dream a dream exactly like yours.

You will never perform a miracle but you might see one. You will never be chosen but you might choose. You might not be the grain of salt that tips the scale but that grain could not tip the scale without you. It will never come to the extreme but you could handle it if it did. They will never tell legends about you for years to come. But the thing is: they should. And that is what matters.

You are ordinary. You are extraordinary.



Being ordinary is my second greatest fear, behind death and in front of spiders, which for some reason I fear more than pain. I'm afraid of getting an average paying job and an average sized house and leading an average life. I don't believe in an afterlife or reincarnation. I believe that this life I have is all I have, my entire existence. And I don't want to waste it. I want to do amazing things and be known by thousands and have all I can get and go down in history. I don't want to be forgotten. I don't ever want to disappear.

But then I think about what I have written above. I think it is true and that makes things better.

I'm not going to say much in this second part, I just wanted to write this down so I wouldn't forget it. And edit it because I dislike mistakes. And post it because I know I'm not the only one that needs to hear this on occasion, so I wanted to put it out there in case anyone was listening.

- T.L.Wizards